The children's home cares for around two hundred kids. Most of them have a background of living on the street or at the local dump site. Some have incapable, absent or abusive parents, while others are orphans. There are more than twenty employees serving the children. These serve as social workers, matrons, patron, caregivers, house parents, cooks, cleaners and guards.
The nursery houses boys and girls aged between 3-7 years, with separate sleeping areas for boys and girls. They live with two female care givers who offer the much needed care and attention at this tender age.
The boys’ dorm houses the boys between 8 and 15 years of age, going to primary or secondary school. They are chaperoned by a patron that lives with them.
The girls’ dorm houses the girls between 8 and 15 years of age, going to primary or secondary school. They are chaperoned by a matron that lives with them
The Kenyan school calendar has 3 terms in a year and the first term of each year starts in January.
This is a kindergarten and a primary school that has gradually grown from the initial 4 preschool classes made of clay, to the current 13 classes and a multi-purpose hall made of bricks. The school has 18 teachers and about 400 pupils, with close to one third being part of sure 24 homes. A number of pupils are needy kids from the community, and we cater for their education too.
Nearly half of the children are local kids that pay a minimal fee which caters for their tuition, books, tea and lunch for a term (3 months). This ranges from 18 GBP/32$ (U.S) to 25 GBP/44$ (U.S).
This is our boarding school for students between 15 and 19 years of age, located 15 minutes drive from Sure 24. It has about 110 students, most of which are under the care of Sure 24. We also cater for a few pupils from the community through the support of our sponsors.
The government of Kenya does not allow children beyond 18 years that have completed basic education to be housed at the home. We support several students in this category, as they pursue their education at different universities and colleges.
This is an arm of Rain edge International Centre whose main objective is to generate income and/or subsidise expenditure in order to break even financially.
The enterprise consists of several departments namely:
Launched at the beginning of 2018, the bakery has already grown into becoming the biggest enterprise. It has people working both day and night to meet the seemingly endless demand for their popular products.
This consists of a borehole, water purification and bottling. It offers services to both sure 24, hotels and at certain price to the community.
It offers mechanical services and sells spare parts to the community. It also gives free training to children from sure 24 that are beyond school going age and those from the community, at a minimal fee.
Since we are a growing organisation, we always have an ongoing construction. We have a team of reformed and rehabilitated local youths that works on construction.
All the metallic work is done here i.e. metal doors, frames, window grills, etc.
This is where all the wood work is done i.e. desks, lockers, tables, chairs, beds, doors, etc.
Sewing, knitting and repairing of uniforms and clothes for the sure 24 children is done here. In case of demand from the community, sewing and knitting is done to generate income.
Due to the population at Sure 24, the food budget is always high. We therefore lease patches of land to grow food to subsidise the food for budget. We also have a greenhouse that periodically supplies fresh vegetables for the children’s’ meals and a bit extra for sale.
This department seeks to find a market for all goods and services that Rain Edge offers.
Currently the different enterprises employ about forty people. However when need be e.g. when major construction is in process, more casual labourers are contracted depending on the load. Also, during planting, weeding and harvesting seasons more casual labourers are contracted to work on the leased land.